Available Prints

This list displays my paintings that are available as paper or canvas prints. Click a letter to jump to a list of titles starting with that letter. Click on the title or image to see more information, or click on an available product to see purchase options.

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This Second Empire Style Courthouse is on the square in Albany, Texas and was built in 1883 and designed by J. E. Flanders.

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This could be anyplace in Texas in the Summer! I photographed these two men 25 years ago at the Luling outdoor market and thought they would make a nice Painting but I let the years slip by. I used the man on the left as an accent in my painting "Hannibal, Texas" in 1994. This last June I showed my work at the Luling Watermelon Thump and after being surrounded by Watermelons for three days, I came home and dug out the Photographs and this is the result!

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This Tree Branch is on a Tree in our Yard and I liked the twisted branches natural Design. I stepped out on my front porch to witness the most common Texas Sunise, a Clear cloudless sky! I added the Cardinal for a little extra color.

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This title is the result of my annual contest to name one of my prints. This painting was inspired this spring and is typical of the part of Texas we live in. I particularly liked this title because of it's double meaning!

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The view of the horizon is from our front porch, but the trees are down by our stock tank, the house was Martha's Parents home in Yoakum, Texas. Twilight isn't night or day but a little of both, lasting only a few fleeting moments, it's no wonder it has such a romantic reputation!

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This title is the result of my 2004 annual contest to name one of my paintings and was won by Charles Smith of Big Spring Texas. I found this tree at Round Top, Texas and was fascinated by the Shadows Dancing under it. and added the Deer and made up the background!

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Central Texas in springtime is one of the most beautiful places on earth. This is the front gate to the Click Ranch near Llano and although the house is actually in Granbury, it seemed appropriate so I did some rearranging!

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This title resulted from my annual contest to name one of my prints. Sunrays breaking through dark clouds always remind me that no matter how gloomy things may appear, there is always hope and of how lucky we all are to be alive and able to enjoy the beauty of this world!

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A whitetail buck grows a new set of antlers every year starting with a couple of bumps in early spring--and growing thru summer with a heavy soft cover called velvet--by Fall he's rubbed off the velvet and proudly carries his head high as he goes courting!

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The Majestic Theater, built in 1929, is in downtown San Antonio on E. Houston Street and was the largest theater in the South at the time. The Movie "The Alamo", was filmed in 1959 at Brackettville, Texas and seemed appropriate, since the real Alamo is just a few blocks away! Recognize any familiar folks in the Truck and 55 Chevy?

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This painting was inspired between our ranch and Waco early one morning as I was headed out to an Art Show. The trees and sky are pretty close to reality but I added the Deer and farm house to inject a little life into the composition.

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This is a Famous rest stop on the Historic Bankhead that was built before Interstate 10. The north access to IH 10 is the original Bankhead Highway The Mountain in the background is Sierra Blanca, the namesake for the nearby West Texas Town. I rearranged things a little to better show this landmark.

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I painted this from memory but most people who live near Big Spring, Texas recognize it. It is said that the Indians used this mesa to make smoke signals warning of approaching settlers.

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This Historic 1886 Church is just west of Clifton near Cranfils Gap and I have painted it three times previously but not since it was restored. I took some liberties with the landscape and added the snow!

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Buffalo Gap is near Abilene and was the gateway through which the great Buffalo herds migrated to the grasslands of South Texas. So numerous were the Buffalo that the herds stretched as far as the eye could see and took several days to pass by. On a quiet day, if you listen carefully, you might still hear the echo of their thundering hooves.

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This painting will be published on my 2007 Texas Classic Gas Stations Calendar. This Sinclair Station is on the northwest side of the square at Albany, Texas and it was built in 1935. There are numerous old Stations of this design but this is the best example of this style of Station that I have found! It closed down sometime in the 1960's and was used as a Bus Station and Bait Shop and sat vacant for many years until Brothers, Hank and Ted Paup purchased and restored it in 2004.

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Please excuse my plagiarizing this title from a popular song, but I just couldn’t get it out of my head! The most unlikely time of day for an Artist or Photographer to get inspired is high noon when the shadows are the least interesting, so I was pleasantly surprised to see the shadows from the planks of this dock as we pulled up to get lunch while fishing in the Laguna Madre!

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Congratulations to Alanna Youngblood of Cranfils Gap, Texas for her winning Title "Sitting Pretty" in my annual Name the Painting Contest. These Cottontail Rabbits posed for me on my morning walks here on the ranch!

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I saw this Anvil Cloud building between Stamford and Haskell Tx. and then drove right into it. Most summer thunderstorms have an anvil formation but it's not always as visible or as spectacular as this one was!

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This title is from my annual contest to name one of my prints. The setting for this painting is the Texas Panhandle; but it could be any other flat spot in Texas, and the reason they call it big sky country is pretty obvious. My main reason for painting this was the dust trail behind the pickup, a sure fire way to know someone's headed your way!

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