Available Prints

This list displays my paintings that are available as paper or canvas prints. Click a letter to jump to a list of titles starting with that letter. Click on the title or image to see more information, or click on an available product to see purchase options.

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The Palace Theater is Just South of the Courthouse Square in Seguin, Texas and was built in 1947. I came there to see the Texas Theater which is no longer open and in the process discovered the Palace! The Last Command, about the fall of the Alamo, was filmed in 1955 near Brackettville, Texas. I don't know if Fireworks are seen in the direction I've shown here but I imagine the evening of the 4th of July is a slow night at the Palace!

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This was inspired on a Fishing Trip near Rockport, Texas, where a Squall can come up with almost no warning and it's best to head for land. We couldn't outrun this storm and got totally soaked before we got into port.

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Martha was having brush cleared to put in a Patio and I found these two Havard Agaves in a pile of brush to be burned. These agaves had been planted at least 30 years prior but due to being in the shade they had only grown about 12 inches. The Agaves had been cut off at the Roots and I thought that they were dead but I figured that they would stay green for a few days so I propped them up in front of our Showroom figuring they would stay green for our Open House. The Agaves put down roots and flourished in the sunny spot where I had placed them. Last year I noticed a Monarch Butterfly Chrysalis had been adhered to the leaf of one of the Agaves and when Spring arrived I checked the Chrysalis often hoping to watch the Butterfly Emerge. One morning there was a hole in the Chrysalis and I realized I had missed the Butterfly's Grand Moment so I did this painting to commemorate these Small Miracles.

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is located at 4760 Leopard in Corpus Christi, Texas. the late Method and Maxine Snapka opened their first restaurant in 1948 and this one was opened in 1953. Maxine and her daughter Kathy still operate this restaurant and another Snapka's at 4434 Weber Road. Snapka's was the first Restaurant in South Texas to serve Tacos and they have fed Cathy Crosby and Freddy Fender and thousands of others!

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Last year (1997) we bought this 1957 John Deere Tractor from a friend, partly because we needed something to mow with and mostly because of it's being an antique and my liking it's looks. The little barn behind it has appeared in several of my paintings and for some reason it just seems to be a good painting subject. We had several inches of snow this last January and this painting was one of the results!

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(Written in 1985) On January second I looked out my studio window at the first of three snowstorms to fall on Austin this year. This pair of Cardinals have frequented our birdfeeders for several years and were quite striking in contrast with the gray sky and bare branches of this tree in our backyard. Although I was working on another painting at the time, I immediately put it aside and started on this painting.

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This painting was inspired on the same day as my 1985 print "Symphony in White". Glen Sunderman of Eagle Lake, Texas gave me a tour of the area so I could photograph the Snowgeese that winter there. I was taken by the total chaos of the Geese as they lifted off the ground in a disorganized frenzy!

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This painting will be published on my 2007 Texas Classic Gas Stations Calendar. This HC Sinclair Station was built in 1934 by the Sinclair Company and had all the latest innovations such as Electric Pumps in a style that endured into the 1950's. This Station is on the East Side of Snyder, Texas and ha been carefully restored but no services are available.

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Millions of years of wind and water have sculptured Palo Duro Canyon into one of the most spectacular sights in Texas and exploring the canyon is always a highlight of any trip I make to the Texas Panhandle!

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This is the kind of day a Rancher prays for so the grass will grow tall, but if a Cowboy has to go out and work on one of these days it can be a mixed blessing.

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Wild Trumpet vines grow on two sides of the porch at our ranch house and we've enjoyed watching the Black Chinned Hummingbirds as they feed on the flowers and listening to the buzz of their wings and their chattering little voices. the flowers of the Trumpet Vine provide a food source for Hummingbirds who in turn are the only means of pollination for the plant!

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I found this Rock Fence somewhere in the Texas Hill country and I have forgotten where it was. I thought it would make a perfect stage for a Meadow Lark to perform his monologue.

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The South Austin Central Fire Station is located at 1705 South Congress Avenue an opened in 1932. This Station is typical of the Era's style of designing the station to blend with the style of the Neighborhood.

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This barn is north of Hillsboro, Texas and has probably been painted by every Artist I know. The migrating Redwing Blackbirds made me think I had stumbled into an Alfred Hitchcock Movie!

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The Pioneer Theater, built in 1945 is in downtown Falfurias, Texas and I thought "Viva Zapata" would be appropriate since it was filmed in South Texas in 1951 and was Anthony Quinn's first major role. Recognize anyone in the cars?

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I found these wagon wheels leaning on a Fence near the old Rock House at the Anchor X Ranch west of Lampassas, Texas and wondered about the stories they could tell if they were able!

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NAME THIS PAINTING WINNING TITLE! "SPIRIT OF TEXAS" Congratulations to Leslie Petty of Cranfils Gap, Texas for her winning title! She will recieve a Framed Artist Proof of the Painting as her prize! We will have another Name the Painting contest in 2015! I got this idea from a windmill tank near Hamilton, Texas. I used a different windmill and tank than the one near Hamilton. That's a Mockingbird in the sky to the right of the windmill. I thought Prickly pear cactus and Bluebonnetts were appropriate.

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I was out feeding my cattle one splendid morning and looked to the east to see this marvelous sunrise. I wanted to feature the sunrise so I simplified the landscape that what was really there.

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This Spring I found our ten Longhorns resting beneath our favorite Oak grove and this painting is the result. I wouldn't be surprised if Cattle inspired the custom of Siesta because these guys always lay down at mid afternoon for a little nap. I added the little house in the background to give this picture some depth!

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Spring is such a great time to be alive, the grays and browns of winter give way to vibrant green and an explosion of multi-colored wildflowers blanket the terrain.

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