Available Originals

This list displays my original watercolors that are available for purchase. Click a letter to jump to a list of titles starting with that letter. Click on the title or image to see more information, or click on an available product to see purchase options.

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Basket Flowers are some of my favorites, easily mistaken for thistles, but take another look, they don’t have stickers, the flowers are about twice as large and the fragrance is very sweet. Basket Flowers line the Highways and Pastures of central Texas from May to July and sometimes form huge colonies.

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This title is the result of my annual contest to name one of my Paintings. This scene was inspired out at our Ranch by the Longhorn Drinking at the Edge of our Stock Tank and I added the others and cleaned up the background a little!

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The Road and Butte are west of Rock springs, Texas and the old Ford Truck and Tree were between Kerrville and Vanderpool, Texas and They all seemed to go together.

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This is a view of our Driveway looking toward the Bosque River. On those Special Mornings when the Bosque valley is shrouded in fog and the sun is just minutes from peeking over the horizon the low light seems to have a magical quality!

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This painting was inspired right out my back door here at the Ranch after one of our Spring Storms. I made up everything else in this picture except the sky!

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This Title is the result of my 2009 Contest to Name this Painting and the winning title was submitted by Carolyn Barnett of Wimberly, Texas! I found this grove of live oaks just off of State Highway 123 north of Czestochowa, Texas complete with the Cattle which I changed to White Faced Herefords for more visibility. I added the Bluebonnets, Cactus and little red roofed house!

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I was driving down the highway when I happened to glance to the side and see a couple of farmers on their modern tractors talking over the fence. I thought this had some potential so I recomposed the scene using a couple of antique tractors that I saw at the Hamilton Antique Tractor Pull. For those of you who arent into Antique Tractors the Rivalry between the fans of John Deere (Green Tractor) and Farmall (Red Tractor) is sometimes quite intense. So if these two guys with their extreme differences of opinion can be friends, why can't those Muslims and Jews get along?

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My Latest Original "Back Off" This will be published on my 2014 Texas Wildlife Calendar I photographed these 2 Cougars at the Waco Zoo and one of them snarled at me as I was taking pictures. I'm glad I was outside their area. Cougars are making a strong comeback in Texas, I suspect it's because of the explosion in the Feral Hog population causing an abundance of easy prey.

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This cliff is near Rock Springs on the way to the Devil's River State Natural Area and is typical of lots of places in the Hill Country. I was attracted to the patterns made by years of running water on the face of the cliff ans added this Longhorn Steer to lend a bit of realism so folks wouldn't think I was doing Abstract Art!

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The Baker Hotel is on the Historic Bankhead Highway in Mineral Wells, Texas and opened in 1929. The Mineral Waters from the area were said to have healing properties and the Baker Hotel was built to accommodate the large number of people coming to bathe there. The Baker was host to the Elite of the Nation and its Ballrooms featured the top names in entertainment of the era. The hotel closed in 1972 but the street floor continued to be retail space until 2000. Plans are underway to restore this National Historic Landmark!

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This 1930 building is at 106 North 9th street in Ballinger, Texas. Both Fire Department and Police Department for Ballinger share this building.

Available for purchase:

The Bankhead Hotel is in Strawn, Texas and so far it is the only place that I've found that carries the Bankhead Name. The brick street in made of bricks from the nearby Ghost Town of Thurber. The hotel in no longer in operation bu seems to be fairly well maintained on the outside.

Available for purchase:

is located at 308 13th Street in Wichita Falls, Texas and I'm told they are Famous for their Ribs and a drink called the Red Draft, a mixture of Tomato Juice and Beer. The Bar-L is one of only 2 places in Texas that will bring a beer to your car due to being Grandfathered when the law changed.Judging from the design of the place it is definitely Classic 50's Style!

Available for purchase:

Painting size 12" x 20", Frame size 22" x 30" Price $1450. The Beacon Lodge is in Snyder Texas at 1900 East Roby Highway. The Beacon Lodge opened in 1950 and has been recently renovated. It's easy to find at night, just look for the Flashing Beacon on top of the Oil Derrick Style Tower.

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"Bearly Texan" Bears were found all over Texas in the early 1800's but were hunted out of all but the Mountains of West Texas by the early 1900's. Due to being protected, Bears are returning to the forests of East Texas and and average of 30 sightings per year are being reported. This Black Bear lives at Waco's Cameron Park Zoo.

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is the most frequent thing I hear when folks are looking at this Painting. I had just photographed the Old Dance Hall at Garfield, Texas and decided to take a shortcut back to the main road and found this delightful tree lined lane.

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I had photographed this Eagle’s Nest on the shore of Lake Waco and the two young Eagles were about to fledge and fly away so my friend “Mark Chapman” and I decided to take more pictures. It had stormed the night before and we found the nest down on the ground with one young Eagle trapped beneath it and the other on the ground in shock. With the help of the Park Ranger and Game Warden we rescued the young Eagles and got them to a Wildlife Rehab Center.This painting is a composition from several pictures that i took “before the storm”!

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This is my third used car lot painting and after selling out the prints of the other two I went a few years and really missed having a car lot picture to show. Finally the idea for this painting hit me and this is the result. The portrait of the Big Texan on the building is a portrait from memory of the man who sold me my first used car in 1959.

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Although I've flushed many a Covey of Quail in my wanderings through pastureland, I'm always totally startled when the sudden buzz of wings comes up from the ground and the Bobwhites go scattering in all directions!

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I photographed these Pronghorn Antelope in the Davis Mountains. The Pronghorn is a unique species with no other relatives in the world. They are NorthAmericas fastest land animal and can maintain speeds of 60 miles per hour or more for hours on end.

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