Available Prints

This list displays my paintings that are available as paper or canvas prints. Click a letter to jump to a list of titles starting with that letter. Click on the title or image to see more information, or click on an available product to see purchase options.

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This is the Corner of 5th and Beaton and Dee's Place is the longest continually operating Soda Fountain in the State of Texas and going strong. Thanks to owner Dee Hawkinson for his help and thanks to Irvin Samuels for the names of the other businesses which no longer exist. Lacking photographs, I designed signs that I hope are appropriate!

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This is the corner of Church and Esplanade Streets in Downtown Cuero, Texas as it might have looked in the mid fifties. I was given the names of the businesses in those days by former Builkding owner Joe Reuss. None of the Businesses shown here exist today so I designed all of the signs to hopefully look appropriate.

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This is the Northwest corner of the Courthouse Square. None of the businesses shown here exist today but I had a photograph that I took in 1969 of Davidson Grocery and the other business names were furnished by Edward Evans who owned the other two businesses in the 50's.

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This is the northeast corner of the square at Gonzales , Texas as it might have looked in the mid fifties. I was given the names of the businesses in those days by local historian Bob Burchard. The Dudley Hoskins and Alcalde Hotel Signage still exist and I designed the others to hopefully look appropriate.

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This is the corner of First and Pecan Streets and the signs on the buildings with the exception of Howard's Drug Store all exist today. I talked to Bruce Slaughter who worked at Howard's Drug Store in the 50's and designed the front of the building to hopefully look appropriate!

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This is the North Side of the Square in Lockhart, Texas. None of the Businesses shown here exist today because I took the scene back in time thanks to information given to me by Lockhart given to me by Lockhart citizens Peck Westmoreland, Edgar Black and "Bubba" Chapman. I had a picture of J.C.Penney's that I took years ago and I designed all of rest of the signs, as no pictures were available.

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These buildings are on the North side of the Railroad Tracks in Downtown Shiner, Texas as it might have looked in the mid fifties. I was given the names of the businesses in those days by Norma Goetz of the Shiner Chamber of Commerce. None of the Businesses shown here exist today but I had an old photograph of the Palace Cafe and I designed all of the rest of the signs to hopefully look appropriate.

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This view is from Highway 71 looking west. I moved the Mobil Station half a block closer for the sake of composition. The names of the business in the 50's were given to me by Elaine Seidel of the Smithville Chamber of Commerce and James Rayley helped me with a photograph of the Masonic Lodge Stained Glass Window above the Furniture Store.

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This is the Southwest Corner of the Courthouse Square. None of the Businesses shown here exist today because I took the scene back in time thanks to information from Bob Scott, Boyd Waggoner and a picture of Shields Ladies Ready to Wear furnished by Bill Hensley and I designed all of rest of the signs.

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This is the corner of Grand Avenue and Lott Street and is referred to as Victory Square although there is no square. I took it back to look as it might have looked in the early 60's. I was given the names of the businesses in those days by Marie Jo Knippa who had her first Date at the Ritz Theater. None of the Businesses shown here exist today so I designed all of the signs.

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These Hereford Calves and the water tank were at the Anchor X Ranch near Lampassas, Texas and this Wonder Model B Windmill belonged to my Brother in Law Aaron except I changed the tower from metal to wood.

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Thunderstorms have always fascinated me; the awesome power and tremendous release of energy is amazing. By summertime in Texas they are a welcome sight and the smell of moisture charged air that precedes the downpour provides quick relief from the summer heat and much needed water to the land.

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When the Texas Pharmacy Foundation asked me to produce a painting that would appeal to Pharmacists, I said, “This is a painting I was already planning to do, since I worked in a drugstore as a teenager in the Fifties, but it fits so well with your needs that I’ll just paint it for y'all instead!”

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"Probably the best cowboy I know" according to Rancher Morris Vann of Lampasas, Texas. This scene was at the Indian Bluffs Ranch in the separating pens on the day I got to sit in the saddle and be one of the cowboys!

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which means Oak Grove in Czech, is located on FM 1383 Northwest of Weimar and was the first Czech settlement in Texas. St. Cyril and Methodius Catholic Church was rebuilt in 1912 after a hurricane destroyed the Original Church and much of the town in 1909.

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At this site (on private property near Edna, Texas) on February 5, 1837, A duel was fought between two Brigadier Generals of the Republic of Texas Army. General Felix Huston was angry because General Albert Sidney Johnston had been promoted above him and challenged Johnston to a Duel. General Johnston was seriously wounded but recovered and General Huston left Texas.

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This Painting is the result of my getting up on the Corral gate and taking pictures as the Cattle were being driven in and I ate a lot of dust in the process!

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