Complete Art Catalog
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Waco's Station Number Two is located at 1016 Columbus Avenue in Downtown Waco and was built in 1932. The Waco Fire Chief's office is located there and the Drill Tower in the background is well preserved!
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Opened in 1949 and was later moved (Building and all) to it's present location at 2010 Scurry in Big Spring, Texas. Owner Susie Roach went to work there as a Carhop at age 13 and now she owns the place!
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A dog seems to have an internal clock to tell him important things, like when to wait for the school bus and greet the children. This road is in the Texas Panhandle near Pampa and the dog lives in Austin and knows just when to wait for my wife and I to pet him as we take our daily walk!
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This is Clyde, our Golden Retriever who stops and waits for us to catch up when we go on our morning walk. This scene is from the north side of our ranch looking toward our house. This is my second painting to feature a Golden Retriever, the first one was Waiting for the Bus that I painted in 1982!
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I painted this in public at the Round Top Fair. I painted everything from memory except the two cowboys that I photographed several years ago! Recon they will make it home with dry britches?
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Actually it's hard to get the Blues when you are looking at the Texas Hill Country in full bloom. If you get the Blues in April, I prescribe a large dose of Texas Bluebonnets and you will find the cure!
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This classic Gas Station is on Washington Street in Waco, Texas just a few blocks from downtown. It will be featured in my 2021 Texas Meridian Highway Calendar. I had been restored to look like you could drive in and Gas up!
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This was inspired at Inks Lake State Park where the Deer will come right up to your car looking for a handout and they don't even offer to "work for food" This Buck looks like he may be watching out for any rivals that may want to lure his Ladies away!
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I never tire of watching a great sunset and Texas seems to consistently have some of the better ones.
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Cedar Waxwings; named for the red waxy tips on their secondary feathers; are elegant little birds that migrate thru Texas twice a year in huge flocks they stop frequently to feed and gather on anything that will hold enough birds for a social gathering!
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These Goldenrod break into bloom every fall at about the same time that the Migrating Ducks arrive to winter on one of our three stock tanks. The Purple Flowers are Gayfeathers and are usually starting to decline as the Goldenrods are starting to bloom.
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This Building also houses the Weslaco City Hall and was built in 1928. It is located at 119 East 5th Street in Weslaco and was designed by R. Newell Waters.
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When a Thunderstorm rolls across the West Texas desert it seems to have more grandeur than anywhere else. That's probably because you can see for such great distances and can watch the drama as it builds up on the horizon.
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I always marvel at the change as I drive from the lush green hills of Austin to the West Texas desert. The early morning light in West Texas ignites the terrain and exposes a rugged beauty and an abundance of life that is always an inspiration to me. This scene is of the Franklin Mountains near El Paso!
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This is a view of the Davis Mountains as seen from the north between Kent and Balmorea and is a view I've stopped many times to enjoy. Actually the dirt road in this picture follows the contour of IH-10 and I added the cowboy, horse, gate and windmill.
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The Westerner Motel is at 1201 West 2nd in Odessa, Texas and looks to be in pretty good shape. I couldn't resist Cowboying it up with Pickups, Horse Trailers and the like!
The Westerner Motel is on the Historic Bankhead Highway!
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is east of Temple on State Highway 320 and I went there because I was told about the magnificent old church (included in my 1997 calendar and my Country Church note cards) which is in the background behind the store in this painting.
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This painting was published on my 2007 Texas Classic Gas Stations Calendar. This Phillips 66 Station at 2012 25th Street in Snyder, Texas Built in the 1950's in what was then an ultra modern look reflective of the Space Age. Bill and Candace Jones are the Owners and they are still pumping Gas! Full or Self Service plus Wash, Lube, Oil Change and Tires, it's like going back in time!
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Prior to the anglo settlers the great plains were host to several million Buffalo but by the beginning of this century, when conservation efforts began, there were only a few hundred left. Currently they are up to over a Quarter Million and gaining. I have always wanted to Paint Buffalo but had been unable to find a significant number to observe until recently when I had the opportunity to get into the middle of a herd of nearly 100 buffalo and observe them close up.
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