Complete Art Catalog
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(Eustoma grandiflorum, Gentian family) also called Purple Prairie Gentian, lira de San Pedro, Western Blue Gentian and Blue Marsh Lilly grows in moist areas all over Texas except mountains and pine forests from June to September. Seeds of these showy plants are commercially available and they are easy to cultivate and grow to about 30" high. Picking the flowers stops the plant from reproducing and has caused a decline in their natural occurrence.
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BLUE BONNET CAFE is located at 211 US Highway 281 in Marble Falls, Texas. The Blue Bonnet opened in 1929 on Main Street and moved to it’s present location in 1946. The Cafe was actually named after a “Blue Bonnet” and not after the Texas State Flower, the “Bluebonnet” Current owners John and Belinda Kemper took over in 1981 and are famous for their Pies! - GEORGE BOUTWELL
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The Blue Ridge Community is located on FM1771 just south of Texas Highway 7 between Marlin and Kosse. The Blue Ridge Baptist Church was built in 1908.
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Christmas 1989. Sumac is a curse to many ranchers in Texas because it overruns pastures and uses water needed for grass, yet it is a blessing to a host of wild animals and birds like these Eastern Bluebirds because it's leaves and berries are excellent food and it's blazing colors are a blessing to the eye as they ignite the fall landscape. Although all things in nature have a purpose each is a blessing to some and a curse to others. If we think about it, practically everything we do in life is that way depending on how we are perceived. May you be a blessing to others and see them in the same way!
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You can have Springtime in your home or office all year and you won't sneeze or have to water anything! Martha has picked two selections of our Texas Wildflower Collection of Postcards and we've framed them in Wildflower Bouquets. You can hang them on that narrow wall or on the sides of a large picture, mirror window or use your imagination. you can get these Wildflower Bouquets shipped to you and the price is only $105.00 each, and that's just for the frame, we throw the Wildflowers in for free!
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Bluebonnets (Lupinis texinis, Legume Family) are the official state flower of Texas and grow only in Texas from March to May in all areas except far west Texas and the panhandle. The seeds of the Bluebonnet can lay dormant on the ground for almost 20 years, assuring the survival of the species. Indian Paintbrush (Castelleja indivisa, Figwort family) and called Scarlet Paintbrush or Texas Paintbrush, grows during the same time and in the same places as the Bluebonnet and is a semi-parasite, injecting its roots into the roots of other plants and taking nutrients.
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Blue Star (Amsonia ciliata, Dogbane or Oleander family) blooms from April to June in Central Texas. The Monarch Butterfly has been the subject of much study because they migrate in large flocks from Canada to Mexico.
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This title is the result of my annual contest to name one of my paintings! We have lots of Wild Turkeys on our Ranch and these guys are down by a row of pecan trees that grow near one of our stock tanks.
SOLD OUT! A Limited Edition of 500 Signed and Numbered Prints were produced in Fall of 2006. 274 were printed on Paper, 124 were printed on Canvas, 101 were printed on Canvas in a Large size of 40" x 23" and one Large size 40" x 23"Paper Print was produced.
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I love to watch a Summer storm as it builds in the heat of the day; when I'm not at an Outdoor Art Fair, that is! I made up this scene, which is typical of the area we live in, one day when we really needed rain!
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This Lighthouse is at Bolivar Point across from Galveston, Texas and was built in 1872. I had spent the night near High Island and woke up to a glorious sunrise and although it was a couple of hours before I found the Lighthouse I couldn't resist putting the two together!
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Since Oil Wells and Texas are almost synonymous I thought a Texas Flag on the Head of a Pump Jack was appropriate! The Old Bull Wheel is from the days of Wooden Derricks and was laying out in a field near Abilene.
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I photographed these Pronghorn Antelope in the Davis Mountains. The Pronghorn is a unique species with no other relatives in the world. They are NorthAmericas fastest land animal and can maintain speeds of 60 miles per hour or more for hours on end.
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This is a view of our ranch in Bosque County near Clifton, Texas. In late May and early June the Indian Blankets blossomed and seemed to set the landscape on fire with color!
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We live in Bosque County, Texas where the spring wildflowers are about as beautiful as you will find anywhere. This barn is near Cranfills Gap but I turned the small barn to stone and then parked the old pickup truck beside it!
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After many years of admiring Victorian Architecture; we have realized a dream which has previously seemed impossible; we live in our own Victorian Home. Our home at 3913 Ave. C in Austin was built in 1894 and was the family residence of Louis Marcuse, an early Austin merchant, for several generations. After being used as a rent house for several years it had been allowed to deteriorate and was about to be demolished when we found it. After many months of hard work and struggle we have restored it to almost original condition. This year has been a year of extremes for us; a year of greater toil and a year of greater joy and fulfillment. For this season and for the rest of your life we wish you unlimited happiness.
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I was driving east of Waco on a hot summer day when I came upon a herd of Milk Cows cooling themselves off in a stock tank. I've seen my own cattle do this but the contrast of the blue water and black and white patterns on the Cows is what got my attention.
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Coming up with a brilliant plan, solving the world’s problems or just catching up on the latest gossip? Whatever reason, sometimes a fella just needs a little social contact!
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When we go to the beach we always bring some old stale bread and start throwing it into the air. Within seconds seagulls come from everywhere and hang around for a while after the bread runs out, hoping for more.
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This Hackberry Tree is out in our yard and has been a host to lots of birds like this Yellow Shafted Flicker, (a medium sized woodpecker) who dine on bugs that hide in its Bark!
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