Available Prints

This list displays my paintings that are available as paper or canvas prints. Click a letter to jump to a list of titles starting with that letter. Click on the title or image to see more information, or click on an available product to see purchase options.

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There's something special about snow in Central Texas because it's so rare and an added privilege is to be the one to make the first tracks after it falls!

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This is another Painting Inspired at the Stamford Cowboy Reunion. I was wandering around the grounds, taking pictures and found this Practice Arena where the Cowboys were practicing under the scrutiny of their peers.

Available for purchase:

Located at 1002 Fort Worth Drive in Denton, Texas, opened for business in 1954 as Mr. Frosty and was remodeled to it's present look in 1964. Founded by the late Jack Webb, his son and current owner Randy Webb has worked there all of his life and Randy's Mother Judy webb has cooked there since Frosty opened in 1954! It took me two days to find a time when they weren't swamped with customers to get this information and that says a lot about the quality of the food there!

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Frost is really interesting as tiny ice crystals cover the landscape and create a Fairy Tale effect. This scene is from the back of my pickup truck one frosty morning as I was feeding our Longhorns and that's our house in the background!

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