Available Prints

This list displays my paintings that are available as paper or canvas prints. Click a letter to jump to a list of titles starting with that letter. Click on the title or image to see more information, or click on an available product to see purchase options.

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This is another of my paintings that I completely made up based on my years of appreciating the sometimes fabulous Texas springtime colors and is my way of preserving a way of life that is rapidly fading from the Texas countryside!

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This Painting was done as the cover for the Bosque Art Center's Big Event.

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(To be Published on my 2020 Texas Sunrise Calendar) I painted this from memory at one of my shows while folks watched. I just had to include a Bluebonnet scene in my Texas Sunrise and this is the result!

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This was painted from memory of several drives thru the Texas Hill Country and from my Boy Scout Days on Bull Creek at Camp Tom Wooten which was way out in the country at the time. All of that scenery is now developed and part of ever expanding Austin.

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Named for its location, "Hill County", Texas. Ray & Betty Sawyer, long time friends, described some places, down the road, that looked like good subjects. I had some time to spare, and drove down the road to find the inspiration for this painting!

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This Second Empire Style Courthouse is in Hillsboro, Texas and was designed by W. C. Dodson and built in 1890. This Courthouse was almost completely destroyed by a fire in 1993 and was miraculously rebuilt to it's current magnificent state. This view is from historic Bond's Alley where I had a show in 1973 that saved my career!

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HILL’S CAFE, Is located in Austin at 4700 South Congress Avenue and was first opened in 1941. When I was a teenager, we would cruse Congress avenue and Guadalupe Streets and often end up at Hill’s for a Hamburger Steak in the wee hours of the morning. The owners daughter drove a Thunderbird and was usually there (she wasn’t a Blonde but blonde hair shows up better in a painting. Hill’s was much smaller in the 1950’s but the sign hasn’t changed. This view shows the part of Hill’s I remember from the 1950’s. www.hillscafe.com - GEORGE BOUTWELL

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These Longhorns lived their lives on our ranch and have all since passed away. I was browsing some old photographs and was compelled to paint this scene. The Longhorn on the left was named Fajita, the center Longhorn was named Taco and the one on the right was named Enchilada.

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This started out as an enlargement of a small painting that I had done previously with cattle but I dreamed about painting horses instead. The two Bays were ours and the Palomino belonged to a friend!

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I was with Jack Horne at his ranch near Coleman, Texas and we stopped to talk with a friend of his. I thought two pickups stopped with drivers talking would make a good painting so I got out to take pictures when several horses ran up and tore into the feed sacks in the truck, stealing the feed that was intended for Jack's Cattle!

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House Park Barbecue is Austin's oldest, having been in business since 1943. They are located at 900 W. 12th Street. I ate there when I attended Austin High School (Class of 1961) which is just 2 blocks away! House Park is the name of Old Austin High's Stadium.

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This was inspired on the same rare snowy day as my previous painting "Red, White, Blue and Green" and the barn shown is the same one with the Texas Flag on the side, except from the opposite side. Our cattle use this barn for shelter whenever there is a storm of any kind.

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The Hyde Park Fire Station is located at 4301 Speedway in Austin's Hyde Park Neighborhood and was built in 1929. A threat to close this Station was met with a strong protest and lead to the formation of the Hyde Park Neighborhood Association which became a leader in the Historic Preservation movement in Austin. We raised our children in Hyde Park so I just had to include this Station in my Fire Station Calendar!

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is on U.S. Highway 290, between Johnson City and Stonewall, Texas and I’ve been itching to paint this store ever since I discovered it in 1973 on the same trip that I discovered Luckenbach. Rumor is that Lyndon Johnson was one of the regulars that hung out at Hye.

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