Available Originals

This list displays my original watercolors that are available for purchase. Click a letter to jump to a list of titles starting with that letter. Click on the title or image to see more information, or click on an available product to see purchase options.

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Painting size 6 x 10, Frame Size 14 x 18, Frame with Liner 17 x 21. Painting $300, Painting Framed $360, Painting framed with Liner $390 I painted this in public from memory at Fredericksburg Trade Days!

Available for purchase:

The South Austin Central Fire Station is located at 1705 South Congress Avenue an opened in 1932. This Station is typical of the Era's style of designing the station to blend with the style of the Neighborhood.

Available for purchase:

NAME THIS PAINTING WINNING TITLE! "SPIRIT OF TEXAS" Congratulations to Leslie Petty of Cranfils Gap, Texas for her winning title! She will recieve a Framed Artist Proof of the Painting as her prize! We will have another Name the Painting contest in 2015! I got this idea from a windmill tank near Hamilton, Texas. I used a different windmill and tank than the one near Hamilton. That's a Mockingbird in the sky to the right of the windmill. I thought Prickly pear cactus and Bluebonnetts were appropriate.

Available for purchase:

I was out feeding my cattle one splendid morning and looked to the east to see this marvelous sunrise. I wanted to feature the sunrise so I simplified the landscape that what was really there.

Available for purchase:

These Longhorn Steers lived out at our place, the tree is at Round Top and I made up the rest of the Painting! All of our Longhorns have passed away from old age and I was organizing some of my photographs and got inspired!

Available for purchase:

This title is the result of my annual contest to name one of my Paintings. This Victorian house is in Waxahachie, Texas and I painted it previously in the background in my painting, Morning Splendor. I've wanted to do a larger painting of the house for some time and finally came up with this idea!

Available for purchase:

These are our Longhorn Steers having a little breakfast and that's our house in the background. We have a "Round Bale" of hay out for them at all times and if they take a few weeks to eat it all, we know that they have plenty of grass. If they eat the bale in two or three days, we know our pasture is in trouble!

Available for purchase:

This title is the result of my annual contest to name one of my Paintings. This is a frequent scene on our stock tanks here on the ranch! Canvasbacks and Widgeons are the most common Ducks that winter on our Tanks and there are many mornings when there is fog on the water and the Ducks explode off of the water when they hear us walking by.

Available for purchase:

I was walking along the Bay after the Rockport Art Festival and and noticed some Redfish feeding in the shallow water with their tails out of the water at about the same time that I noticed a small Sail Boat farther out in the Bay and this Painting and it's Title immediately came to mind!

Available for purchase:

This is the Devil's Waterhole at Inks Lake State Park and is one of many swimming holes in the Texas Hill Country. I'm told that the water is about 50 feet deep there and I watched these boys jumping off the big cliff for a while remembering when I did the same in my teenage years ant several different places around Austin

Available for purchase:

Vencil Mares owns the Taylor Cafe and is referred to as the "Godfather of Texas Barbrcue" since he has personally operated the Cafe for over 70 years. Taylor Cafe is in Taylor, Texas at 101 North Main Street.

Available for purchase:

These are five of our Longhorns getting some lunch and enjoying some color and aroma therapy from the Bluebonnets in the process. These two Live Oak Trees are located in the same rest area as the tree in Summer Surveillance!

Available for purchase:

Snow is rare in the Texas Hill Country and is a real treat but usually is gone pretty fast. This was inspired near Leaky, Texas.

Available for purchase:

I was showing my work in Huntsville, Texas at the "General Sam Houston Folklife Festival" and noticed several free roaming chickens on the grounds. This Rooster seemed to strut with more authority than the others so I figured that he must be the Boss!

Available for purchase:

This Birdbath is in our yard and has the little Bird Statue attached. This pair of Cardinals are not sure what to make of this strange Bird!

Available for purchase:

These were three of our Longhorn Steers early one morning! Longhorns are the Official Large Animal of Texas and are descendants of the Moroccan Cattle that were abandoned in Mexico when the Spanish Conquistadors sailed back to Spain.

Available for purchase:

This old Truck has been sitting in this spot at Mosheim, Texas for at least 25 years and apparently is sentimental to it’s owners or it would have sold a long time ago. The Tree in the bed is the second one to grow there as the first one was cut down and was much larger. I’ve wanted to do a Painting of it for a long time and finally “got er done”!

Available for purchase:

There is a small tree lined ravine that is about 100 yards from the road that I feed my Cattle on and most mornings the Deer are watching from the edge of the woods. When I drive away after feeding my Cattle the deer come up and feed with the Cattle. I named it Velvet Morning because the Buck's Antlers are in the Velvet Stage and the fog is soft as Velvet.

Available for purchase:

Waco's Station Number Two is located at 1016 Columbus Avenue in Downtown Waco and was built in 1932. The Waco Fire Chief's office is located there and the Drill Tower in the background is well preserved!

Available for purchase:

This is Clyde, our Golden Retriever who stops and waits for us to catch up when we go on our morning walk. This scene is from the north side of our ranch looking toward our house. This is my second painting to feature a Golden Retriever, the first one was Waiting for the Bus that I painted in 1982!

Available for purchase: