Three's a Crowd

Small Canvas Gold Signture Print

Personally Signed. $35 each, measures 14 1/2" x 9" Unframed. $135 measures 25 1/2 x 19 Framed depending on Frame Choices. Standard Frame is 4/34" Walnut W/Gold Beaded Edge or you can choose any of our Frame Choices below, Standard Liner is Navy Fabric with Ornate edge or you can chose anything shown in our Frame and Liner selections. $105 Framed with no Liner. This Birdbath is in our yard and has the little Bird Statue attached. This pair of Cardinals are not sure what to make of this strange Bird!

Frame & Liner Options

Choose from the drop-down selections below. Your selections will be previewed in the image above.

Frame:  Liner: 

Please Note: Our previews are meant as a guide only. Previews are intended to give a general idea of how your finished art might look. Due to variations in computer monitor settings, we do not guarantee the color accuracy of how our art, frames, mats or liners may appear on your computer. Variations in frame textures may also appear different from the actual framing you may receive. Neither should frame and mat sizes in proportion to size of painting be considered accurate as shown here.

  • Print Only : $35.00
  • Framed With Liner : $135.00
  • Framed : $105.00